Few words about us.

About us

We are passionate about helping people.

We are an Assemblies of God Church based in Modesto California. Our main campus is based in San Jose California and has been serving the community for over 70 years. During this time we have had the privilege of bringing hundreds of people to the feet of Christ.

We have been witnesses of families come back together and peoples lives transformed. Our mission is to serve our Church and serve our Community as Jesus commanded us to, by Reaching people, Reviving Believers and Renewing Culture. With multiple outreach and rehabilitation programs to the homeless and our community, we would love for you to help us make a difference today.

We have many programs to help and serve, both within the church and outside of it. If you are interested in being a part of our family and have a desire in helping our community below are listed just some of the programs that we have.

Outreach Programs:

— Rehabilitation Homes
— Youth Outreach
— Community Service Programs


of Serving


Church Ministry


Small Groups


Rehabilitation Homes

Meet the Pastors
& leaders
of our church

We love people and our mission is to bring them closer to Christ. We believe that being a Christian is more than just being in a building every Sunday, it is our responsibility to be an example of who Christ is.